For St. Patrick's Day we found this story on CBS Miami. It's about ‘Clover’ The Miracle Dog. He is one lucky dog! Just look at this cutie!

Check out this story:
As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, so is Clover the dog. Dressed in her St. Patrick’s Day finest on her morning walk, this week marks two years since she’s been in her furever home.
Her dog dad, Rich Iannelli, even held a birthday party for his four-legged friend who he rescued after she had been shot in the face.
Clover was found two years ago wandering in the Redland for days after someone shot her in the face and left her lower jaw hanging. She wasn’t able to eat or drink.
Initially, vets didn’t know if she’d survive. They had to remove about 75% of her lower jaw. But she’s doing great now and able to eat. Iannelli says she also eats quite well.
Thursday morning, she had corned beef, cabbage and carrots. On the menu later, kale and chicken breast. Her meals are homemade every day.
Clover, all healed now, is a happy, healthy, and very lucky dog!
We at Miss Nelly's are so grateful for some an awesome puppy parent giving Clover an amazing life. We cheer and celebrate Clover and St. Patty's Day!!!